Grocery shopping

Yesterday, we went grocery shopping as Ian would say "All as a family"  It was really fun.  We didn't have to rush and just allowed Ian to enjoy it.  We had our list and were super organized as well.  We got so much food at ALDI and finally the quality of their produce has gone up.

We have started a "rewards" system for Ian.  He gets a penny when he does an exceptional job of being caring, putting his toys where they belong, listening to mommy and daddy, or does something to be like Jesus.

He got 25 pennies and we went to Party City, which so happens to be right next door to ALDI.  We explained that he had 25 pennies that he needed to give 10% or 4 cents to Jesus,  save 4 cents and that he could spend the rest.  He did a phenomenal job with this, and was grateful with what he got. He was able to pick from about 5-6 different kinds of candy that only costs 7 cents each.  I want him to grow up very young understanding the Godly way to handle money,

The cashier was smiling behind the register, because we obviously only went in to Party City for Ian to spend his jar of pennies and was explaining everything to him, which he was able to understand.  He wanted a car and I told him he had to save more pennies and that we would come back next time and see if he had enough money.

Will and I are really wanting to instill godly values into our children.  I am going to try to catch Ian, being loving, joyful, peaceful, patient, kind and good, godly and being self-controlled and give him pennies for them as well.

Ian has been really rough with Judah lately and even Judah retaliates.  Hopefully this isn't the beginning of sibling rivalry.

God has been good and I are trying really hard to have a thankful heart and be a lot more patient in all circumstances.  When it comes to the evening, I can be too impatient with the boys.  They are getting into bed at 9:00pm 2x a week now because they go with me to work.  This makes for an extremely grumpy Ian.

Our days seem so jam-packed with work that we are left so drained by the end of the day. I can't wait to be not working for the summer.  It will be a breath of fresh air and I will enjoy the rays of sunshine.  Will, Ian and Judah and I were laying in the little patch of sunlight on their bedroom floor.  Sunlight is so peaceful.

Today, we were also jumping on the bed together and tickling each other. I love the family time we get together, seems like so little.


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