ELS, Teaching, More doctors
It has been a busy week...I was super excited Will got to come with me to ELS and talk with International Students. There is a guy named Peter from Taiwan and he loves Ian and Ian loves him. Ian has the biggest smile on his face and always says his name. It's adorable to see.
I also went to the CMC at Miller Library at cornerstone. I felt like a teacher in heaven to see all the creative things I can do in my house to teach Ian and prepare for a future teaching job. I laminated some calendars, my new abc posters, center posters and borders that I got from the dollar tree. I am looking forward to reading The Year Like Jesus by Ed Dobson. I am also starting to study the similarities and differences in teaching children and adults. I don't really have much experience teaching adults, so I am a little worried they may think something I do is too childish. I organized the desks and cleaned them all in my new room for teaching. I am going to make a display with certain themes we are studying and a bulletin board to share about our class. My room is a little too boring for me :)
I made a medical binder for Judah because we are up to 5 specialists: neurosurgeon, neurologist, cardiologist, opthamalogist, physical therapist and speech therapist and now have to see an ENT, Nutritionist, and have Speech therapy and Physical therapy at Mary Free Bed. I get pretty confused on diagnosis' and reasons for seeing the docs.
I'm looking forward to starting MOPS tomorrow! Crazy Ian is sitting next to me... I hope he goes to bed when I do, without having to sleep in our bed. He likes to wake up at night and crawl in bed with us. Usually, we don't want to get up to put him back in bed.
Judah has been eating table food without choking. I cut up pot pie really small. He liked that a little too much because he kept pushing away his cereal and yelling at me. Judah has quite a temper even though for the most part he is pretty smiley and pleasant.
Ian shocks me with what he picks up on. He told Peter today that he couldn't have nutter butters because he's "allergies to peanuts" and he just told me his birthday is in January.. He picks up on so many things, even if I only say it once.
I made a medical binder for Judah because we are up to 5 specialists: neurosurgeon, neurologist, cardiologist, opthamalogist, physical therapist and speech therapist and now have to see an ENT, Nutritionist, and have Speech therapy and Physical therapy at Mary Free Bed. I get pretty confused on diagnosis' and reasons for seeing the docs.
I'm looking forward to starting MOPS tomorrow! Crazy Ian is sitting next to me... I hope he goes to bed when I do, without having to sleep in our bed. He likes to wake up at night and crawl in bed with us. Usually, we don't want to get up to put him back in bed.
Judah has been eating table food without choking. I cut up pot pie really small. He liked that a little too much because he kept pushing away his cereal and yelling at me. Judah has quite a temper even though for the most part he is pretty smiley and pleasant.
Ian shocks me with what he picks up on. He told Peter today that he couldn't have nutter butters because he's "allergies to peanuts" and he just told me his birthday is in January.. He picks up on so many things, even if I only say it once.
It was so great seeing you at MOPS last week. I hope you can come again this week. We are always praying for your family! I'm so proud of you as mom. You are truly a woman of patience, kindness, and love. And you are an amazing friend.