Dream BIG! A BIG dream of mine is coming true, before my very eyes.

When Your Dream Seems Impossible What is one of your biggest dreams? Now, think about that dream. Is it not so hard to wait for it to happen? This has been my struggle for many years. The still small voice of God's spirit in me says, "Wait, wait, not yet, wait, be patient" I often argue with that still small voice, way more powerful than me. "But Lord, why? There is this internal dialogue that goes on in my mind, back and forth and man is that exhausting. Can anybody relate with this? One of my dreams, has been to have a nice big house for our family. It isn't really about the house, but making it a "home", a "refuge of safety", a place where my kids are free to make mistakes, to be vulnerable, to be loved, cherished and treasured. Financially it has taken us 13 years for this dream to come true.. How long did you have to wait for this dream of yours to come true? In the first couple of years of Will and I's marriag...