
Showing posts from August, 2012

The Gods Must Be Angry

The other day Ian and I read a book called The Gods Must Be Angry . It talked about how in Thailand they have a happy idol and sad idol sitting on an idol shelf and how they look to this idol for their help.   It breaks and this leads to them finding out the truth about Jesus. It challenged me to see what idols are in my life. Well Ian said, “Can I make up a song to worship God and I said of course.” He starts singing and I recorded him.   He said, “There is one God there’s not a bunch of them” Some people thinks there is one or 2 or 5…. Too precious..

Zoo Phonics

Homeschooling I have been adoring the time I am spending teaching the boys.  I am trying to make it a little more structured so we can cover all topics.  It is my goal to intermingle God's truth with what they should be learning numbers, letters, holidays, science, exercise, good health etc..   Instead of teaching what they need to know and interjecting God's truth, I am teaching them God's truth and incorporating the other essential skills and knowledge they need.  Hoping a curriculum will develop out of the, so that everything flows fluidly and they see how God's word is applicable to every part of life.  God's words are transformational and should be our road map to navigate down EVERY path we are on.  God's words should be our instruction manual on who we are and that determines what we do.  Who we are determines how we act.  Focusing on how we act more than who we are leads to legalism, and I am praying God would help me to live every ...